Deklarasi Penggelaran Kudus kepada Paus Yohanes XXIII & Yohanes Paulus II

Bahasa Latin
Ad honorem Sanctæ et Individuæ Trinitatis,
ad exaltationem fidei catholicæ
et vitæ christianæ incrementum,
auctoritate Domini nostri Iesu Christi,
beatorum Apostolorum Petri et Pauli ac Nostra,
matura deliberatione præhabita
et divina ope sæpius implorata,
ac de plurimorum Fratrum Nostrorum consilio,

Beatos Ioannem XXIII et Ioannem Paulum II

Sanctos esse decernimus et definimus,
ac Sanctorum Catalogo adscribimus,
statuentes eos in universa Ecclesia
inter Sanctos pia devotione recoli debere.
In nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti.

Bahasa Inggris
For the honor of the Blessed Trinity, the exaltation of the Catholic faith and the increase of the Christian life, by the authority of our Lord Jesus Christ, and of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul, and our own, after due deliberation and frequent prayer for divine assistance, and having sought the counsel of many of our brother Bishops, we declare and define

Blessed John XXIII and John Paul II

to be Saints and we enroll them among the Saints, decreeing that they are to be venerated as such by the whole Church. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

Bahasa Indonesia
Demi menghormati Allah Tritunggal Mahakudus, untuk membangkitkan Iman Katolik dan meningkatkan hidup Kristiani, dengan otoritas Tuhan kita Yesus Kristus, dan Para Rasul kudus, Petrus dan Paulus, dan dengan selalu memohon pertolongan Tuhan dan mempertimbangkan pendapat saudara-saudara Kami, para Uskup, Kami menyatakan dan menetapkan

Beato Yohanes XXIII dan Yohanes Paulus II

sebagai Santo, dan Kami mencantumkan namanya di daftar para Orang Kudus, supaya di seluruh Gereja Universal, ia dihormati di antara para Orang Kudus. Dalam nama Bapa dan Putra dan Roh Kudus.


Sancte Johannes XXIII, ora pro nobis!
Sancte Johannes Pauli II, ora pro nobis!
Saint John XXIII, pray for us!
Saint John Paul II, pray for us!
Santo Yohanes XXIII, doakanlah kami!
Santo Yohanes Paulus II, doakanlah kami!

Dominus illuminatio mea!
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